Friday 27 January 2012

MS Excel

Hi ! So here goes my first post .... The only good thing about me is my Logic and hence, here come the post that introduces that logical app which has become a must known kind of an app these days.. "MS Excel"

The word "Excel" , part of my favorite word "Excellent" has actually become a part of our lives now. Guess all those in KPOs, BPOs, IT and irrespective of the industry , all those doing desk jobs will agree with me. Without knowing Excel , we are missing that gravity .. or to put it in better words the "Apple of the Bosses' eye"  kinda position.

At the very first look , it appears as a simple table where we can easily enter our data.. But it has loads of tools built in that will manage the data , extract all information itself and hence create those highly effective and instrumental reports. Now imagine , what if you do not have to do anything to prepare all these reports. Enter the office early in the morning ... Press a button ... And your work is done automatically. In the evening when you check the system you get all those reports prepared. Yes !!! That's the magic of Excel.

It is easy to press a button , but what is challenging is to make this magic happen .. and I know all of us like challenges.

The attempt out here is just to build a curiosity and a temptation for the application. In my upcoming posts I will update about some interesting and good to know features about MS Excel.

Thanks to Microsoft for building such an application .. And thanks to readers for going through the post..

Good Luck !!